Woke up at 5:20 this morning just trying to get out of bed and head to this men’s gathering and small group environment called Men’s Fraternity. The first thing that popped in my head was a small whisper saying, you have remix tonight, does it really matter, why do you do this, is it really making a difference? It was quick, it was quiet but it was filled with dread and self doubt. I quickly screamed back, in my head of course, YES IT MATTERS, THIS MATTERS and went on about the morning. Do you have these thought? I have had them my entire time of following Jesus. Even as a volunteer it seems Satan has wanted to fill my mind with doubt about my worth, my effort for the Kingdom, the value of serving others. No matter how close I am walking with God these thoughts come and attack and I have had to learn to rest in the fact that my this is all God’s plan and I am His servant and He cares more about His kingdom advancing than I do. For all of you serving kids and teens, please fight back against self doubt. Please rest in the fact that God is using you to advance His Kingdom. Just as yourself thee questions…
What is the most imporatant thing about a human soul? If it is that they have a relationship with God then move forward with confidence…
Is investing in the lives of kids and teens important? If you say yes then move forward with confidence…
Is spending your time, money, faith, and, career advancing the Kingdom of God worth it? If yes then move forward with confidence…
Do you believe in the mission and process of your organization (your school, church, young life group, fca, community group, business, or church)? If yes then move forward with confidence…
Jesus said in John 10:10 about Satan, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Choose life today and move forward with confidence.