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We have a retreat called CRAVE in 2 weeks. Do you know why we are staying the hotel we are using (the Marriott downtown)? Because Emad from sales followed through and contacted me back the week I made a request. 4 hotels in Chattanooga contacted and one followed through. They have been great to work with and they got our attention because they did their job and contacted me back with an offer. Today in the church and business world if you want to be amazing…just do the basics well! There are so many churches and businesses doing terrible jobs at the basics that the basics now stand out. Is your team following through with people? We are asking that question here and trying to get better at simply following through. I think it will stand out!

If you need a hotel in Chattanooga, check out the Marriott Downtown…

Thanks to Emad for following through and doing a great job for us at Grace Community!