well, it happened, it really happened, my family walked into sams and went over and looked at the 42 inch Vizio and I loaded it on a cart and took it to the register and allowed the lady at the register to charge my MasterCard for it and I actually got to take it home…this was no dream, Michael just got his first high def TV. I am amazed, I can not believe this is really mine. I brought i home and slapped it up above the fireplace on the mantle in our living room and just stood there looking at it. WOW! Thanks to my girls for the sweet gift, thanks to the people who bought my house in Chesapeake, you paid for my TV! HA! Thanks to all the little people, just always wanted to say that. Little like Kelyn!
I declare a national holiday on Sept. 8 when UT plays California on high def ESPN! MY HOUSE WILL BE ROCKING! the entire nation of Denmark is invited, no one else, just people from Denmark.
Happy fathers day to all those out there who are fathers. This year I get more than a gift card or tie. YEA to this year, the year of Jubilee!
Later – MB