Tonight is the last REMIX (the weekly gathering of relevant student ministry) of 2008. I cannot believe the fall has moved by so fast. When we started the year we had no idea how this season of REMIX would go. We changed nights to Wednesday and the rest is history. I so resisted moving off of Sunday night. God birthed the idea in the heart of our team and we took the risk of change and it paid off. Really everything about leading a ministry is based around RISK and FAITH and God has taught us that over and over this fall. If we are not taking risks then we are not living by faith and we are trusting in our won effort more than trusting God to show up. I want to thank God for showing up right now and right here. God has delivered every week this fall as we have invested in the lives of teens. God provided an amazing team of adults who have led lifegroups. God provided an amazing band to lead us each week. God provided a location for us to meet at St. B Christian Church. God allowed us to see teens inviting teens to REMIX. This has been the most amazing part of REMIX this year, teens and parents inviting other people to check it out. I cannot wait to see what God does at REMIX in 2009. Tonight we cast a vision of each lifegroup adopting and taking action to support a cause (poverty, human trafficking, clean water, etc.) in 2009. Lets not just meet and talk about faith, lets live our faith out and do something now. Teens unleashed to serve are a powerful force.
Thanks to all of you out there who have been a part of REMIX this year, 2009 is going to be exciting!