Have I told you that I am a big fan of Seth Godin…this was his post today…Go check his blog our Now and check out this little nugget. I just finished TRIBES his new book, it is amazing, will blog about it next week. Here is his post from today…
“Just doing my job”
What a bogus excuse.
If you take a job, you’ve bought into what the company does. You’re responsible.
If you work for a company headed off a cliff, hey, you’re going too. The fact that you’re just doing your job doesn’t make unemployment any better. And if the company is hurting people or the world you operate in, it doesn’t matter who told you to do it, you still did it.
It’s not just your job. It’s a big part of your life. And you’re way smarter than you’re giving yourself credit for. Speak up, change things or get out. Whining later is a low-return strategy.
Sorry for the rant. Been getting a lot of email this week from people explaining why they work for companies doing dumb things.