Saturday I got to know Dorthy and Roy as myself and a team of folks worked a their house all day doing soe simle repairs to their house. We were a part of operation serve, one day for people at GCC to go into the community to serve others. We had over 600 people serving all over Montgomery county, not just talking about the love of God but showing others the Love of God. Simple but profound. I was able to talk to Roy and Dorthy about their faith, they are believers, the know Christ but they live in a hard part of town, they have had a hard few years, they needed a God moment in their life and we were able to bring it to them. There is something amazing about serving others, there is something about going to a hard neighborhood and helping a hurting community. It just seems like something Jesus would do and for one day our entire church was focused on that goal. I am grateful that Dorthy and Roy allowed us to help them and get to know them. I am thankful that God allows the church to be his hands and feet in a borken world. Wat could happen if we all began to choose to carry out Jesus like actions.
To all our teenagers that served in Operation Serve, I am so proud of you. Yes, teens and parents serving together. That is youth ministry!