We are learning that painting your house when you have 2 preschoolers running around can be stressful, this may have been one of the most stressful days off I have ever had, and we are just now painting room 1. Kozbi and Kelyn’s room will be done tonight and it is gonna be pretty sweet if I do say so myself. We paint and decorate because we care, we want our home to be a place of refuge and creativity for the kids and this is just one part of it but creating while the kids are right at our feet is a new challenge, the last time we did this we just had one kid. Well – heres to learning. We got some good ice cream tonight as a reward of making it through the day!
Man this week was sweet, got to connect with some of our best friends in the world , Rissa and Ed Larson and got to eat lunch with Steve and Susan Griffith today (Steve is one of my closest mentors) It is so wild to have the guys back in our life. We are so blessed to have so many incredible friendships here in Clarksviile. it has been so great to get to renew so many of those connections so soon. It is for sure a blessing from God for us. We can not wait to slowly get to connect with more folks we did ministry with in the past and celebrate what God is doing. At this rate we might just have to get them all to come ot our house to paint so we can work and catch up!
There are a ton of kids we know graduating this week here in Clarksville – I will not be able to be at all of them but way to go to all of ya. It is so incredible to see how God has working in your lives over the past few years. (I got to see Jessie Beth Cates and Emily Averitt this past week – wow they are graduating!) You guys in Va just have 8 more days! Hang in there!