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  • What an amazing start to the new series AM I THE ONLY ONE, yesterday was one of the clearest messages dealing with the issue of sex that I have ever heard. Go check out the message on the podcast at . Chad, amazing job and the worship team team did an amazing job!
  • This is one of those INVITE people series. Yes if you go to GCC this is perfect. We are dealing with real questions people have about life and yes God has help for the hurting. The news flash is that we are all hurt and need His help. Thankful for a church that embraces the brokenness we all feel and leads us to healing Christ offers!
  • We launch a new series at REMIX this week that deals with doubt. I am really looking forward to see how God works. We all doubt and we need to know what to do with it. Should be a fun adventure, I am so blessed to get to invest in the teens at Relevant Student Ministry, they are amazing.
  • Yes I picked the winner last night, now when is the draft, lets go TITANS!
  • Cross Street Live is back this month on Sunday @ 5PM at Rossview! It is going to b so much fun. Will be working on that all week for sure.
  • We are doing a staff dinner tonight, looking forward to hanging out with the team. Should be a fun night out. We have an amazing team here at GCC.
  • Hope you saw our pictures from the Viva Catie concert! I am still blown away from that night. Thanks to everyone for uniting around a cause so important. Since everyone is effected by cancer we should all be a part of the solution!
  • Jesus is amazing…reading the Bible today about His march to the cross in the book of Mark and it still blows me away. Leader, servant, savior, helper, healer, truth, love, are all words that describe the Jesus I see in the Bible. I can give my life for that!