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This week we announced we are going multi-site and launching our second campus at Kenwood High in early 2011. We gave out these Kenwood bracelets as a simple REMINDER for people to think and pray about this adventure over the next several months. This week we saw this post on Facebook from a teacher who attends Grace Community…

“I think it was very cool to see all of my Rossview High kids who go to Grace Community Church wearing their KENWOOD bracelets to school today! I was wearing mine and got to share our good news with lots of people!”

The implications are huge. Teens excited about what their church is doing. A local teacher spreading the news about our mission at Kenwood. The fact that people are so excited about this new challenge. The FB post reminded me about the power helping people have reminders…small tools that help people connect with the mission. For us it was a small wristband but it can easily be a video, a Facebook post, a magnet for the fridge, and card in the mail, or a discussion in small group. When it comes to accomplishing a specific mission people need reminders to focus, pray, share, think, and dream. Prayer is powerful. Why not help people have REMINDERS to do just that…to pray!