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This week at Grace Community we set aside one week to help our church rethink Christmas. I know for Chelsea and I we are trying to incorporate generosity and serving others into our family plans for the Holiday season. Celebrate, give gifts, worship Christ, have fun with friends, but please do not let Christmas morph into a time where we simply go into debt to make sure our kids and family get stuff they do not really need. Why talk about this now? BECAUSE WE ARE IN PREP MODE FOR CHRISTMAS! My wife went shopping today so I know it is ON. I love Christmas and I want my kids to understand it is about giving not just getting more STUFF. We are finding ways to help our girls get it. My hope is that you will think about why you to the things you do at Christmas. RETHINK CHRISTMAS…

One place I hope you will go check out is [ ] and see what some friends of ours are doing to help people change their idea of the Holiday season. If you are on check out this video from the Advent Conspiracy