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It has been amazing to watch our country go into PANIC mode about the economy. All of us who lead and work in non profits feel the pinch. Yes, we are in an economic slow down. Yes, these are difficult times for many people around the world. But, do we have to stay in panic mode? The question we have here on our team is how will we react? In staff meeting this morning we talked about the economy, how it is effecting giving at Grace Community, and how we will move forward from this time. Yes we are planning on moving forward. We do not have the option of PANIC mode when we serve the God who holds it all in His hand. We must move forward, make wise choices, and trust God to accomplish His plans here through GCC. I have fallen in love with Google Reader. I wanted to post what the campus pastor at Buckhead Church in Atlanta shared on the Buckhead Church blog today. Yes, this came through the glory of GOOGLE READER, google is taking over, WOW! Anyway, I think this sums it up…

The economy has generated a lot of concern among businesses, families and non-profit organizations. And understandably so.

At Buckhead, we want to lead very well during this season. Last week, I shared with our leadership team that I want us as a church to “respond but not retreat.”

This simply means that I want us to respond to the situation by continuing to use the financial systems we have in place allowing us to make wise stewardship decisions. At the same time, I do not want us retreating at all from the mission God has placed before us.

We will continue to do our very best to be wise stewards of the resources entrusted to us. And we will also move with confidence and faith that God is with us.

As your campus pastor, I greatly value your continued confidence and support which allows us to respond wisely to the current economic situation but not retreat one inch from leading people into a growing relationship with Christ.
