First BREAKOUT session from Orange was “How to help small group leaders partner with parents!” Gina and Kevin Ragsdale from North Point Community Church did a great job leading. Here are a few of the thoughts from the session…
Parents need to know what to do to be a spiritual influence in the life of their kids. Where do we want parents to move toward in their relationship with their teens…
Imagine the End
@ focus your priorities on what matters most
Fight for the heart
@ communicate in a style that gives the relationship value //
Make it personal
@ put yourself fist when it comes to personal growth // live authentically
Create a Rhythm
@ increase quantity and quality time as a family // encourage your kids to have their own faith and place a high priority on vacation time with kids!
Widen the circle
@ place your kids in line to hear other voices saying the same thing
As small group leaders we can help parents widen the circle! We can connect with the parents of the kids in our groups. We can pray for the parents of the kids in our group. Small group leaders can say the same things parents say and many time teens will HEAR IT!
Small group leaders can support parents when…
Small group leaders can make themselves available when PARENTS need answers, support, and guidance! // trust can be formed!
Small Group leaders can help their teens parents connect with other parents relationally!
Small group leaders can help parents by NOT TAKING SIDES and helping their teens see the value in their mom and dad. Small group leaders can help teens to take the first step toward their parents and not always answer all the questions.
Small group leaders can inspire parents by LIVING AUTHENTICALLY and caring for the kids in their group in and out of church.
Small group leaders can help families create a rhythm by SHOWING UP and being regular at church and connecting with kids outside of church in community activities.
Small group leaders are the most natural connection to the heart of the family because their whole job is to connect relationally!