Where you serve and who you serve with has a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of your ministry. Most of us who serve in churches, para-church ministries, or non-profits get our first position with the idea that if we just work hard enough we can make a huge impact. What I have discovered, that not many people like to talk about, is that the people who you serve, the staff you serve with, and the people you report to greatly effect the long term effectiveness of your work. In the short term any of us can ignore unhealthy issues in any organization in order to lead a youth or kids ministry, but over time working in a negative environment with poor leadership around you will begin to weaken your passion for ministry. I meet so many leaders dedicated to their calling who just trick themselves into accepting unhealthy environments in order to make a difference. I so value that commitment, but I don’t think we have to settle. This generation of leaders (age is not the idea here) is not settling for status quo. Why are so many churches being planted and transitioned to new models of ministry? Why are people taking huge risks and found non-profits ? Why are so many organizations breaking and changing the rules established years ago? I think because next generation leaders would rather risk it all and work in a healthy, progressive environment rather than work in the midst of dysfunction. There are healthy (not perfect) churches, non-profits, para-church ministries out there you need to begin the journey of finding the right “ministry fit”. For the next several posts I just want to talk about that journey. Finding the right ministry fit is a process and there are no quick fixes. The process is worth it!