Sundays are odd…they end a week for me and they begin a week. Today was just a great day at church and we have a ton of great stuff coming this next week. Just wanted to get out some thoughts off my mind before I go crash for the night.
Creativity…it is wild how people respond to creative moments in worship environments. Creativity allows us to surprise people, to catch them of guard and enforce the message for the day. Yes, it is all about the message, the goal of the day! Today at was a perfect example of creativity used well. We spent the day helping people grasp the need to COMMIT to community. We ended the service with the Sanctus Real Song, We Need Each Other and it was such a great way to end the service. Great job to the worship team, just amazing. This week at remix we launch a new series and our team is stoked about a song we will use to launch the series. We just hope it pushes the crowd in the right direction.It is fun to watch our student band get excited about doing a song. I think creativity gives people the chance to think outside the box to create, oh wow…we were made for that.
Hope…we had a small project done in our office this week. Just a small remodel of some space for a few of our team who needed better offices. I went in there today and it just looks great. It seems so small to upgrade office space but space helps people focus, dream and the space we work in sets the tone of the work we do. Small stuff like this just gives people freedom to dream and strive for excellence. It just says we care about the people that work there in that zone. Good call, it really looks good. Ron, you made the call to move on it and the project was a win! (Ron being pastor ron, that guy who talked today and did a great job just in case you missed it)
Dreams…I am so excited to see God bring to life so many dreams that we have around here at GCC. What is really cool is how God works out the things He places in our hearts. His plans so far this year have been so much better than what I thought they would be. There are so many exciting things coming this year and I am just learning to trust God to bring them to pass. I learn that all I can do is pray, listen, lead, and then trust God is going to do what He has inspired. God is in the middle of changing some of my plans to make His dream come true and it is good. What God does is always good.
REMIX…love having it on Wednesdays. The fact that I can focus on kids ministry on Sunday mornings is blowing me away. I also get to give an entire day on Wednesday to student ministry. It is a good flow and we have had good feedback from parents. In our community right now Wednesday is a better night to do a student ministry gathering. Thrilled we took the risk to test it out.
Great movie…10,000 BC, wow you have to see this thing. Slow Start but great ending. Some really powerful leadership moments in the middle of a great story. Good times and my wife even liked it. She is the best wife ever! FOR REAL!