What is our team dreaming about these days when it comes to THINKING ORANGE? Multi-site ministry is what has consumed our team for several months. Today at Grace Community Church we announced that in early 2011 we will open our second campus at Kenwood High School in north Clarksville. (It really feels good to finally be able to type that!) Our family ministry team is so excited about introducing the orange strategy to an entire new community in our city. We have been learning from other churches about muti-site for years and now it is our time to step out in faith. We have learned tons of lessons from launching our Rossview Campus and I have served on a staff with a multi-site stratagy but we are going into this with a BLANK SLATE. We are rethinking everything, praying hard, trusting God, and planning like crazy. We have seen the orange process shape lives in our first location and we can’t wait to see what God does in this next adventure.
Would love to hear from you orange leaders out there…what advice would you give us as we begin this journey?