Just wanted to get these too books out to you. The Dip by Seth Godin and Crazy Love by Francis Chan have been great reads for me. Both are just great reads, go get them, read them s quick as you can! I think you will like them. Francis is an incredible speaker and pastor who helps take a look at what loving Jesus really means in our everyday life. The book is very blunt but very encouraging for all of us who love Jesus but struggle to live that out daily…that would be all of us. The Dip takes a look at how to quit doing things that rob our time and energy so we can focus on what we are best at. Yes it is all about the art of quitting, when to quit, why to quit and most of what to spend all your energy doing everyday. Most of us could use some quitting advice. Great short read!
This week Clarksville lost an incredible follower of Christ. Our loss is heavens gain since Kathy Majors is now spending every moment with the passion of her life. I met Kathy because her son Jacob plugged into Relevant Student Ministry (http://www.relevantstudents.com/). What I discovered about Kathy was that she was known as a person who had dedicated her life to prayer! That was her legacy in Clarksville and around the country with people who were her friends. As I sat in the funeral I could not help but be astounded at the idea of being known as a person of prayer, a man who actually spend his life talking to God on behalf of other people. Think about what you will be known by when you die? What will be your legacy? Kathy spend her life doing something of eternal significance. I am so thankful for all the times Kathy prayed for me, Grace Community Church and all the other ministries and people she was passionate about. Clarksville will miss Kathy and I pray that God will help us all seek him more in prayer everyday. If we follow Christ we have to follow his lead and spend time talking with God. Lets go for it.
Hi, I’ve noticed that you’ve blogged about Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. Just wanted you to know that the videos to accompany the book are now available to download at:
Also, a Crazy Love small group dvd with never-before-seen content will be available in January. Because of your wonderful blog post about the book, I’d like to offer you a free pre-release copy of the dvd to review. Please email me your address, and I’d be happy to send it. Thanks!