Well, it has been a great but eventful week after a meeting filled start. Have I said how much meeting life slows my glow down. After a slow start things picked up on Wed. and God blessed me with a great week and a ton of surprises. At TSM we are closing in on a conference we are hosting called Leadership Rocks ( www.leadershiprocks.com ) go check it out. We are finishing final week details and it is all looking good. Our students will all sign up this week, they live last minute lives here. Everything is last minute. We launched out month long look at God’s view of Purity for Middle Schoolers and a series called BEST SEX EVER for our High School students. God really blessed the opening message Wed. night and I think God is going to use both series to bring students to Himself. Our hope is for teens to see that His way really is the best way to live. We will see how it goes, I am sure i will have a story about some parent getting mad at us for talking about sex which God created. Our team is sick of MTV and VH1 getting the last word on what sex looks like. God has something to say…
Well on Friday we took Kozbi and Kelyn to Chuck E Cheese and it was wild. I have not been since my niece was 1 and it was so fun to see Koz and Kelyn have a blast. Koz was all about the games and the slides and all that jank. Kelyn only wanted to watch people. Give her something to shew on and let her watch all the people swirling around, she is in heaven. Let me say that it was the best 22 dollars we have spent in a long time. The girls had a blast and we got some funny pics out of it. I am sure we will be back. Koz began asking me to take her early in the week thanks to grandparents who plant these ideas in their heads. it was a good time. I always wonder why our churches do not have inviting environments like that in their buildings for parents to use in connecting with each other during the week. I have definite thoughts that will offend many church people and leaders so I will not say much BUT when I have the chance I want to help some church somewhere create an environment for preschoolers that makes every kid WISH they could live at church. Who said church had to smell like mold and be boring…
This morning was wild…Kelyn fell down the stairs…AHHHHHH she is ok but it freaked us out. She was following Chelsea around upstairs and we forgot to close the gate and down she went. She has a bump on her head and she was laughing at Koz about 5 minutes after the fall. Praise God for protection! it will make a funny story after we are over the shock…man it was wild.
Final thought before the big game – GO COLTS!
Better interrogate Koz…Bauer style. I think she might have pushed Kelyn down the stairs.