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Merge is a weekend retreat we do each year at relevant student ministry where we get away by staying right here in town. By get away I mean, we get OUT OF OUR NORMAL FLOW. The weekend is built so that our lifegroups can spend one weekend together connecting with each other and with God. Each lifegroup stays in a host home here in Clarksville for the entire weekend. It is amazing what happens when the groups connect in homes. Since our groups gather at our weekly environment they are not in a home setting very often. The weekend works because it is built around relationships. The teens connect with their leader and with the group in a way that just cannot happen in our weekly REMIX environment. This year we are bringing in Patrick Willis and Cameron Gwaltney to lead worship with my ENTIRE worship band from FBC Norfolk days. Pat Rowland from Cross Point Community Church in Nashville is speaking and I know he is going to do an amazing job. We wanted to get the word out about MERGE so we have a three commercial series coming your way. Here is the first promo commercial! Oh yea, the dates for MERGE are March 20-22 and teens can sign up at