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We are a generation that moves quickly! Because of our fast pace when it comes to communication we do more typing and less actual talking. The bigger your team becomes (staff or volunteer) the more need you will have to block out time for simple conversation.

I am learning that most of my Monday has to be dedicated to sitting down with people and processing what is coming for the week, month, or year. I am also finding that most of the time people respond better and think clearer in one on one settings verses an all staff setting. When I slow down long enough to have a one on one conversation with another leader there seems to be less need to impress or worry what others in the room are thinking. The one on one nature of conversation spurs progress. Sure, there is a time for formal meetings but I think if you lead a team you better block out time to slow down and talk, to listen, to step in someone else space and ask how they are doing.

Conversation breeds trust, relationship, and connection. Conversation says I care about what is going on in your world. Conversation says I want to hear your ideas. Time spent with your team is not wasted time, it is leadership development. Make sure you are making time to “just talk” with your team.