When we launched Relevant Student Ministry three years ago we had a major problem…we did not have a place to meet. That is kind of a big issue when you are dreaming about how to reach teens in a city. We needed a quality environment to pull off what we were dreaming about. Through several relationships God connected us with the elders at a local church (St. B Christian Church) who were open to allowing us to have our student gathering in their building. We worked through the agreement, invested in the facility with new video and sound equipment, and kicked off a weekly gathering called REMIX. Three years later we are packing the facility out with teens engaging God is worship, rethinking what it means to follow Christ, and plugging into community through small groups. What made it possible? Two churches willing to partner. The kingdom of God has advanced in Clarksville because 2 churches worked together to make a dream possible.
What could happen across our country if churches that owned facilities began to work to maximize that space by partnering with other churches in the city to advance God’s Kingdom? What could happen if no one cared who got the credit? What can happen if reaching people matters more than what name is on the outside of a building? Do you need space for a new ministry or new growth…why not look to partner?
dude.. i love this post..
What would happen if people started looking past what is there “own” and started being willing to give what God has entrusted them to, to advance the kingdom..
Love partnering with you in this city man..