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What a wild weekend! Chelsea and I were blown away by the entire weekend. It was busy but God was working in so many ways. Just thought I would take some time just to have a little Sunday brain dump before the new week gets rolling…

  • Operation Serve Sign up day was TODAY and the entire OP SERVE team rocked it out. We had an amazing event, great food, 400 sign ups, the kids loved the blow up games. It mazes me how much folks at GCC love to serve Clarksville.
  • We had over 1300 today…WOW can you believe that. We had over 1300 people at GCC today. When I got the text I almost pooped my pants. Go GOD.
  • The new series glife (check it out at in the morning) was amazing. Chad really hit a home run and he talked about a passage in Genesis I had never given much attention. Great start to a great series.
  • Getting ready to launch into a news series at REMIX called WE. I am excited!
  • Rossview beat Clarksville Friday. Great game, both teams have great coaches and they both go to GCC. We have been so blessed to get to have these guys at our church. Love that they get to invest in teens.
  • Nate – GREAT JOB with the Warfied bowl. It was sweet…
  • Our band at GCC covered Living on a Prayer today, they rocked it!
  • The Titans really played a great game today and picked up the win at home. It will be a good Monday in the office!
  • It was great to be home with the family on Sunday. LOVE HAVING REMIX ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS!
  • Speaking of REMIX, I will not blog about our numbers on here but God has given us the chance to invest in a ton of kids this fall. The cool thing is that we are reaching kids disconnected from other churches, WOW that is the goal. God is so working at REMIX.
  • Loved getting to speak in Paducah on Saturday at Super Saturday for the KBC. Thanks Joe, it was a great event. Get to go to Bowling Green this Saturday and do it all over again.
  • So stoked God lets us pray! God really came through with some stuff this weekend. HE IS GOOD!
  • done, I feel better! Go Vols, Go Titans…yea I am over the Vol loss!