Today I went to Lifeway with my 3rd grade nephew and bought him and his sister new Bibles for Easter. Of course like any good youth pastor I got them a sweet metal cover NLT so they can read it with ease, I know some of you KJV only people do not think that is official but I quit caring many moon ago. I am a huge NLT fan, preach from it, use it my quiet time, brag about it since some of my Southern Seminary profs helped to translate it. I am a big fan but I am getting away from my story. I bought them the Bibles…they went crazy with those things. It was so cool to talk to them about chapters and verses and how the Bible got here and show them my favorite verses and help them know about the New and Old Testament. Their parents have been raised around church but my niece and nephew neither have been plugged into church. They have never been to “Sunday School” much. It was as if I had revealed a big case of cash to them. They really were excited about reading the Bible and knowing God might have something to say to them. They are both very young but it is so cool to see them have a Bible they can understand and have the desire to read it and discover truth about God. JJ said…”I am really into God right now” for a 3rd grade kid that is so cool. I pray God will open more doors for us to talk and for God to draw both my niece and nephew to Himself. I also pray that I would keep that wonder about God’s word in my life. I pray I would always be in awe of this great God who gave use such a wonderful glimpse of His Glory through the Bible.
I pray they will always hunger for the Word and seek a relationship with Christ. I know full well how exciting it is to be able to talk to a niece and nephew about Christ and watch them come to the place of accepting Him.