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Yes I am up at 1 Am…i got working on a video for Sunday and got it knocked out tonight BUT it is late. I was looking through some of the blogs I read and over and over I was blown away by Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in Anderson SC. Love this guys, love his heart. Here is just a short piece he blogged the other day…

I am COMPLETELY COMMITTED to doing whatever it takes to funding the next generation instead of fighting them. (Andy Stanley quote!) If we are going to be a church that is willing to go to unfamiliar places–we need to be willing to embrace what is unfamiliar!…

The previous generation has never worshiped Jesus the way their parents worshiped Him…what’s next for the church?

I want a church that causes hell to be less crowded!

Ok, go to and check this guy out. He is an incredible leader and he allows others on his staff to lead out.